Stat Shows If Americans Bought Bitcoin Instead Of Lottery Tickets, They Could’ve Been Millionaires

Bitcoin by Sal Miah  | 2 years ago
Bitcoin, BTC, Lottery
2 min read

A question that arguably rings in most people’s minds is, “What if I’d invested in Bitcoin back then?”

It may be hard to spot valuable assets, especially when they challenge the status quo. However, for many Americans, after seeing these statistics, they’ll wish they could have invested in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin A Superior Investment Than Lottery Tickets

The tweet above describes what appears to be a poor investment choice by the American people. Considering the percentage value Bitcoin has gained since 2009, many Americans could now be better off had they put their trust in the cryptocurrency.

An average investment of $412 per year from the time Bitcoin started trading would have even made some Americans millionaires.

As things stand, it is still advisable to purchase Bitcoin over lottery tickets. Sure, lottery tickets may be cheaper; however, if you lose, you lose everything. With Bitcoin, losses are only a fraction of what was initially invested, and gains could be massive if you play your cards right.

Moreover, there’s a higher probability of making money from Bitcoin than winning the lottery.

What About Gold?

When it comes to deciding between Bitcoin and gold, it’s a no-brainer.

Because of the price movements Bitcoin experiences throughout the year, it is a more rewarding investment compared to gold. 2019 is not yet over, but its already clear that Bitcoin is going to outperform gold.

Further, Bitcoin mining will soon halt, and the available supply will remain to decrease daily compared to demand.

Apart from its expected positive performance in the future, Bitcoin also has a certain appeal, as mentioned in the tweet below.

Despite being valuable, gold lacks the functionality of Bitcoin, thus making it better.

When investing, consider everything lest you miss the next big break!